Creating market leaders.

For Australian service businesses who want to grow:
Darren Urquhart

Get ACCESS to digital marketing tools and tips you can use to grow your business. It’s FREE.

Fast Results

Transparent Service

Clear Reporting

Short Term Agreements

No Jargon

We convert trades businesses into market leaders through advanced SEO strategies

Rise Local creates market leaders through advanced Search Engine Optimisation strategies.

We have helped many trades businesses achieve their goals of more customers, more revenue and more profit.

We work with:

  • Plumbers
  • Electricians
  • Solar Installers
  • Builders
  • Carpenters
  • Arborists
  • Pest Control
  • Removalists
  • Mechanics
  • Cleaners
  • Roofers
  • Air Con Installers
  • Landscapers
RiseLocal truck business
riselocal man using laptop

Why Choose Rise Local

Fast Results
We do SEO “sprints” to get your rankings moving fast.

Transparent Service
You get a live view into our system to see exactly what we are doing for you, as we are doing it.

Clear Reporting
We stand by our results with clear reporting of keyword rankings, website visits and leads generated.

Short Term Agreements
All our agreements have a 30 day cancellation. No long term contracts.

No Jargon
We speak your language. No bullsh*t marketing jargon.

We are proud to have worked with…

Professional Fluid Plumbing Services and Electrical logo
Solahard Wollongong logo
Brisbane Plumbing and Drainage
Gold Coast Plumbing Experts
Your Electrical Expert logo
Wolf logo
Captain Cook Electrical logo
Forrest Small Homes logo
Absolutely On-time Electrical logo
Curran logo
Curran logo
Precise Plumbing and Electrical logo
Southside Removals & Storage logo
… and many others

Our monthly lead volume has tripled

Rise Local was recommended to us. We had seen their results for another plumbing company and wanted to achieve the same. We found the transparency and level of information that they provided, from the moment of their initial presentation up until now, has been extremely high.”

Sid Curran
Curran Plumbing



Strategy Development

riselocal strategy plan
You begin with a vision.

That is where we begin. With a goal for the number of jobs you need each month.

Then we work backwards to calculate how many leads you will need each month. We plan where those leads will come from – organic search, paid search, email marketing, social media, direct mail etc.

At this point we have a dartboard to aim at. We know exactly what our goals are and how we are going to achieve them.

Now we need to define your brand messaging.

What is your killer hook? The one line that sets you apart from the competition.

What are your 5 key selling points?

What is your call to action?

What is your hero image that becomes shorthand for your brand? (Hint: it needs to be a person’s face).

You might have these brand elements defined already. You might need our help defining them.

But once your brand messaging is in place we are ready to start your monthly marketing program.

When you get the strategy right you have clearly defined goals. You have clearly articulated brand messages. With these elements in place your marketing performs better. You enjoy a higher return on investment. Your profits rise.


Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Black magic.

Weird sorcery.

Ninja moves.

And search engine optimisation.

A lot of mystery surrounds SEO. A lot of suspicion too.

The suspicion is understandable. Some people have used the “mystery” of SEO to rip off business owners. Most of our clients have experienced some version of this before working with us.

The truth is that SEO is not a mystery. It’s not a dark art. It’s not magic.

There are a set of rules to follow to get your website ranking at the top of Google’s organic search results.

If you implement these rules you have a chance of ranking well.

If you implement these rules in a specific way you have an excellent chance of ranking well.

We have a tried, tested and proven method for ranking our client’s websites on Google.

To check out actual client results, contact us and we will show you. You are welcome to speak directly with the business owners we work with.

When your SEO program works properly, you enjoy more free visits from Google. That means a lower cost per lead, more jobs and rising profits.

riselocal seo laptop
riselocal google ads image
riselocal google ads image1

Google Ads Management

Google Ads can be a big source of leads for trades businesses.
They can also be a very expensive source of leads.

The “set and forget” approach to Google Ads management will not deliver profitable leads. Your competitors are too aggressive and Google is too greedy. Your ad campaigns need to be actively managed to achieve your goals.

The proper way to run Google ad campaigns is to:


1. Set your goals.

How many leads do you need from Google Ads?
What Cost Per Lead is acceptable?


2. Identify your audience.

How many leads do you need from Google Ads?
What Cost Per Lead is acceptable?


3. Define your brand message

What sets you apart from your competition?
What are your key selling points that address the typical objections of your audience?
What is your “call to action”? What do you want visitors to your website to do next?


4. Build and actively manage your campaigns

All the button-pushing, data-sifting and money-wrenching that goes into managing Google ad campaigns.

But we go a few steps further.

The Rise Local Google Ads Management service also includes:

When you upgrade your Google Ads campaigns to sophisticated management your Cost Per Lead will fall. You will receive more leads. Your profits will rise.
RiseLocal conversion rate
Riselocal woman giving card

Conversion Rate Optimisation

You can have the largest Google Ads budget and highest ranking SEO in your market. But it all means nothing if your website does not convert visitors to leads and jobs.

That is the goal, after all. Leads and jobs.

You are not in business to rank well on Google.

There are two conversion rates we are concerned with.

1. Website to Lead conversion rate.

This is the percentage of website visitors who contact you.

Your website conversion rate is the measure of the success of your website design and content. Changes to design and content can have a massive effect on conversion rate.

Once someone lands on your website you have a very short window of time to build trust and confidence. We know what works to build trust and what does not.

A higher website conversion rate means all your marketing activities immediately perform better. Your cost per lead falls. Your job numbers increase. Your profit rises.

2. Lead to Job conversion rate

is is the percentage of leads who book you for a job.

Your job conversion rate is the measure of the success of your sales process. Changes to your sales process can have a massive effect on conversion rate.

What you say to a lead is extremely important. Not just what you say, but the way you say it and the order in which you say it.

Small tweaks to your phone script or email templates can immediately increase your conversion rate. That means you convert more leads. You book more jobs. Your profit rises.

When you have high conversion rates and strong Google SEO and ad campaigns, then you see big increases in quality leads and jobs.


Brand Advertising

Having someone go to Google and search for your business name is much better than them searching generically for a service they need.

A strong brand is the key to long-term business profit.

If I say “the fresh food people”, where am I shopping?

If I say “just do it”, what shoes am I wearing?

If I say “I still call Australia home”, who am I flying with?

Woolworths, Nike and Qantas have burned these hooks into your mind. They have “branded” your brain with a hot metal plate.

These brands have repeated their message to you hundreds, maybe thousands of times, over many years. Decades even.

You need to do the same with your brand. You need to get your brand name, your hook and your hero image in front of your market consistently. Over time this builds brand awareness and drives business growth.

Now, of course you don’t have the marketing budget that these big brands splash around.

But you don’t need it.

In this internet-era it has never been cheaper to get your message in front of your market.

When you get the right message in front of the right people at the right time you build your brand awareness. Stronger brands attract more direct customers. Direct customers are cheaper to acquire. Lower customer costs means higher profits.

riselocal branding advertisement
riselocal support management

Reputation Management

In trades businesses, the cost of acquiring a new customer can be very high. For this reason repeat customers and referral customers are like gold. The cost of acquiring them is so low – or even zero. Highly profitable businesses have many repeat and referral customers. You win repeat and referral customers by satisfying your current customers.
Customer satisfaction is the key.

To measure customer satisfaction you need to ask every customer for feedback. You want to hear from everyone – the good, the bad and the ugly.

You then use that feedback to:

Create review of Google and Facebook

Create testimonials on your website

Calculate your customer satisfaction score (it’s called “Net Promoter Score”)

Promote your business with proof from your customers that you deliver an excellent service
Identify problem areas in your business that need to be fixed

When you have high customer satisfaction, you have more repeat customers. You have more referral customers. You have a lower cost per lead. You enjoy a higher job conversion rate. Your profit rises.

RiseLocal analysis and reports

Analysis & Reporting

You can’t manage what you don’t measure.

When investing money in marketing you need to know what is working and what is not.

The key to understanding this is in reporting. You need a consistent set of metrics that you review each month to provide a clear picture of your marketing performance.

We have developed a report that cuts out all the bull and focuses only on the business metrics that matter.

Spend only 2 minute each month to understand exactly how your marketing is performing.

By spending less time on marketing each month, you are free to focus on every other part of your growing business.